A Gift of Wings by Stephanie Stamm

Check out Teri’s review of my book!

Books and Such

Half-Seraph and skilled fighter, Aidan Townsend could no longer live with the consequences of being a celebrated member of the Forces of the Fallen, so he walked away from it all. Now, he has created a new life for himself–a human life as songwriter and lead singer for a successful Chicago band. And he keeps 51aBjFb9ogL__BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_his angelic abilities carefully hidden, even from himself. Lucky Monroe is just an ordinary girl–or so she thinks. About to turn eighteen and with high school behind her, she’s looking for a job, contemplating the possibility of college, and gradually coming to terms with her beloved grandmother’s descent into early-onset Alzheimer’s. Then her cousin Josh takes her to hear a popular local band and she sees fiery wings extending from the back of the handsome and charismatic lead singer. Suddenly, she finds herself enmeshed in a world of Fallen angels, demons, and ancient deities–a world…

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About sstamm625

Recently retired from a career as a technical writer/training developer, I'm starting the next chapter as a fantasy writer, urban gardener, and whatever else catches my interest.
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7 Responses to A Gift of Wings by Stephanie Stamm

  1. L. Marie says:

    I just bought this for my Kindle!!!!!!! Wheee!!!!

  2. L. Marie says:

    No I’m in Illinois.

  3. Pingback: Guest Post by Stephanie Stamm, author of A Gift of Wings | teripolen

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